humor, inspiration, life lessons, love, mindfulness

The City Mouse And The Country Mouse

This isn’t about the book – though I loved it as a kid.  It’s about the duality within me – for I am both in one very confused body.  I grew up in a city; I worked in a city.  I live in the ‘burbs;  we just bought a home in the mountains.   I’m writing you from this new house, looking out at the trees as their leaves fall like rain.  The vista is saturated in yellows and reds.  There is no one around, yet I couldn’t be less lonely.

Our house is sited in such a way that it feels like an aerie.  Perhaps that is why it is comforting to be here.  Protected as in a nest.  I’m getting to know this space, for we closed and moved in over the weekend.  We don’t know each other yet – its noises are unfamiliar, the whoosh of the heat turning on, the doorbell, the ticking of a clock.  The first night we crawled into bed with aching backs and weary legs, only to feel an adrenalin surge as the rain and wind magnified every creak and moan.  I spent some of the post-midnight hours walking through the rooms, introducing myself and listening to their stories.  Finally I fell asleep on the couch wrapped in a blanket and a better sense of my bearings.   When we got home on Sunday, I fell into the arms of the familiar.  I’m slow to commit, but once I get there,  I’m steadfast.

I came back yesterday to continue nesting (which included the third visit from the cable people with whom I’m now on a first name basis).  I went for a walk convinced I would find clues of the wildlife who are the rightful owners of this land.  Of course, I have no idea what bear scat looks like, nor  exactly what I would do if I met a bobcat along the road.   I only know what I’ve seen on “Mutual Of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom“.   And I always thought that Marlon Perkins had the better job – observing from afar as Bill would be sent in to tranquillize the grizzly.  The city mouse with a country spirit.  Or a country mouse with an urban aesthetic.

So I am beginning a new relationship in these calming and magnificent surroundings.  I am feeling protective as a mother with a new baby, holding each moment carefully,  realizing that this house and I are engaged in a transfusion of our spirits, our ‘mark’ if you will.   I love the splendor, the sense of being closer to the sky.  And soon this too will feel like home.



67 thoughts on “The City Mouse And The Country Mouse”

  1. It thrills me to envision you settling into your new digs, exploring the surrounds and starting the process of making this home your own, honey. I know it will be a cozy, comforting escape in no time. The Karma Truck’s ‘satellite facility’! 🙂 All there is….xo, l

  2. I moved out to the country nine years ago. Private road, quiet and alone. When my husband was gone for a weekend, my mother asked me whether I was afraid to be out in the middle of nowhere all alone. I answered: “I’m not out in the middle of nowhere. I’m home.”

  3. We have to make a plan for you to come up here…I like the notion of a satellite facility for the Karma truck (though it’s a pretty steep driveway.. 🙂 ) xox, m

  4. Congratulations to you both and I’m positive this new home in the sky will come to sigh each time you and Andy walk through the door. Sounds like a little bit of heaven to me. xoxo

    1. Thank you WW…I’ve got to get into every nook and cranny, understand every sound, hear my voice and the voices of my family…and then yes, I will sigh. It’s a beautiful place to spend one’s time and I hope to be here lots…xoxox

  5. May the initial feeling of watching the beauty of the leaves, hiking the paths, the different sounds you will always hear and the comfort of the intensity in which the seasons change in the mountains stay with you always. May your house be filled with the love and your personal touches that will make it a home and may contentment and peace be yours always (Andy, too). It may now be time to give away those “sneakers in the garage”. It’s so nice to read a happy story today – especially when the female protagonist holds a steady place in your heart. To the moon and back. All there is.

  6. Mazel Tov on the house, and wishing you much health, happiness and laughter in your new home away from home. I don’t quite picture you a “country mouse”, but a nice respite anyway! XOXOXO

  7. Congratulations on the new mountain home, Mimi. It sounds wonderful! Have the Sirs checked it out yet? I see you spending time writing and doing crafts and hobbies there that feed your soul!
    Much love,

    1. Hi Cathy, We’ll be bringing the Sirs up in two weeks (and I am hoping that the youngest has finally gotten the potty training thing down by then!). And I see it as you do – a refuge and place to write…I brought my knitting up (I taught myself – which was an interesting endeavor a few months back) and have my sketch book at hand. And then there are my books… 🙂 Thank you and love, m

  8. I am glad. Nature is the Chapstick of the soul. You are just the person to appreciate such wonder–as this post indicates to a Tee. Go, city mouse, go!!

    oh–and enjoy that special brand of quiet…:)

    1. The quiet is so different from the quiet back home (and we live far enough away from a lot of background noise)! I’m a little slow to commit, but once I do, I hold on tight…hugs, m

  9. congratulations, Mimi, on what sounds like an excellent move. Your house and its environs sound amazing. Not totally understanding if you’re keeping two homes or in transition from one to the other. Like that you’re taking it all to heart. (and the most important questions: Where do Sir Bogey and his bros reside?)

    Liked your post title as that’s what my husband and I were tagged (not in the facebook sense as fb has yet to be invented) when we were married. He’s country, I’m city and it seems that’s a tough balance. How crazy to have them both inside of you. Though I supposed we all have at least a little of each.

    Always enjoy your insights 🙂

    1. Hi Liz! Thank you for the good wishes…this is going to be a second home for us – and the Sirs (they’ll come with us again in two weeks, with fingers crossed that Bogey is confident about where he’s supposed to potty). And the kids too – my eldest and his wife are going to spend the weekend up here and I love the idea of them enjoying time away from the rigors of their lives too.
      And yes, I really feel that duality often. I’m happy you and your husband figured out the balance!!!!

      1. Ha, didn’t say we figured anything out. Though still married so that counts for something.

        Glad you have a new oasis to call home 🙂

  10. It sounds like heaven! I love and live in the country on a lake. The quiet, the solitude, the splendor and beauty. I could never go back to the city. I tried three years ago in Missoula, Montana. We lived in a triplex on the corner of a four way stop near a fire station. I almost died from the lack of peace. Rock on, Mimi!

    1. WOW – it sounds like you have found your little peace of heaven!!! I’m so glad to have that visual in my head – your house on a lake, the richness of the environment in which you live. I love the calm of this new house and sitting so high that I feel like I’m in a treehouse!

  11. This is so great!! I love how you describe getting to know each room, getting acquainted and listening to learn every creak, every sound. It felt as if I was walking through the rooms with you. Your nesting process sounds divine; and it sounds like a place that will stretch to accommodate the City Mouse who’s got a country heart and all the wonder that she is! Enjoy every so happy for this for you and that awesome Andy of yours! xoxo

    1. I’m so reluctant to commit, always have my sneakers close just in case. That’s why I have to spend time letting this house know me and vice versa. It feels like we’re going to know each other for a long time, but I guess we’re still ‘courting’. I know it sounds silly – and I also know that you get what I mean…Andy is already in major love…xoxo

      1. I totally know what you mean …makes perfect sense to me! Have to settle in and find your groove with each other! Love that you are both smitten!! Xoxo

  12. I feel the same way about your writing as I do when I experience the beauty and magnificence of the turning of the leaves each autumn: Inspired and in awe, yet comfortable, relaxed, and at peace. Things are as they should be, and they are wonderful.
    Thank you for bringing such a wonderful gift to my life, Mimi.

  13. Congratulations on your new home. We moved to the Pacific North West last year and purchased a home outside the city and I just love waking up to my Mountain View and the deer in the yard. The drive to and from the city on the back country roads naturally dispel any thoughts or stress of the day and put me at peace. I now have my slice of Heaven on Earth as well.

    1. I LOVE hearing that Vivia!! I am so happy that you are happy and living a life that is a bit less stressful than the one you lived years ago. There is something about looking out and seeing so much majesty that takes my breath away..hugs, m

  14. I have lived 33 of my 59 years in the quiet seclusion of a rural retreat. The dawns over the forested valley are mine alone to embrace. The peace and tranquility is intoxicating. Enjoy 🙂

    1. No – photos to come in future posts. I will return to this whole house thing in a couple of days. I have an unrelated topic that I am determined to write about this week.

  15. Mimi – congratulations to you and Andy on your new home; where you will find and treasure your soul. I enjoyed so much the description of your thoughts and journey this weekend. Best wishes! Xo Fran

  16. For years I couldn’t stand the thought of being in the quiet, maybe I was just afraid of being with myself. Now, as I am getting closer to 50 and finally more comfortable in my own skin, I am starting to enjoy time with myself and the peaceful sound of nature. All the best to you with your new home.
    Ps. You may want to print out a chart of animal poops though…just saying.

    1. Thank you Jane – our regular home (as opposed to this vacation one) sits on some acreage which makes DC feel like it’s much farther away than 25 miles. I love the feeling I get when I drive down our street. Just as I love the feeling of climbing high up into the mountains!

  17. I know what you mean about the city and country mouse. When Husband was just Boyfriend, we lived in the heart of Phoenix. We loved the city and all it had to offer us but we would quite often pine for the wild and tangle of forest and wide open nature. Now we live on an acre of forest on the outskirts of a smallish town – a great place to raise the boys – but we find ourselves craving the fast pace and action of the city.

    Your new mountain home sounds fantastic. Enjoy getting to know it and the land on which it sit.

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