friendship, inspiration, leadership, life lessons, mindfulness, motivation

Thankful Thursday Thoughts

 Today may very well be the day when you choose to open your eyes to one new experience, thought,  and/or moment in time, that you previously  hesitated to see.  Today you may break free from the ties that have bound your senses and enhance your life a gazillion-fold just by untying those figurative binds that have precluded you from reaching, daring, touching another soul in need.  That’s what makes today so magical – anything can happen.  And I hope you let it happen.  And then I hope you tell me what your day brought you in return.

28 thoughts on “Thankful Thursday Thoughts”

  1. Mimi, the quote by Anais Nin in your Thursday blog – I’ve used that with parents of my kids for years. It was in my Back to School packet along with Welcome to Holland. Every one needs an inspirational and motivating quote very now and then. You couldn’t have known how special that quote was to me. I couldn’t sleep so I was up just as you posted this and now I will easily fall asleep because i know there is the promise of tomorrow and the potential for it to be an amazing day is limitless. You should go to sleep too. Sweet dreams. ❤

    1. How funny (but not surprising) that our thoughts meet up again even though we won’t see each other for another month! Just another ‘karmic’ sign sweetie…:-) Hope you slept well…

  2. Really needed this today. Had an interaction yesterday with a bad penny from my past that put me in a funk. So, I rip off these ties and everything else that allows me to still give this person more power than they need. Thank you! This karma thing…it’s something.

    1. Bet you didn’t know that’s one of my favorite quotes (that I invoke all the time when a really yucky person hurts someone I love…”Beware for bad pennies always roll back”.. I’m so sorry you were face-to-face with a penny from your past, and not at all surprised that s/he would seek you out your goodness again. I’m sorrier still that they bound up your feelings even for a moment. You’re spot on for today Susan – don’t let them encumber one moment of your time, one thread of your heart.. S/he hasn’t earned either. Wishing you an exceptionally terrific Thursday..

      1. You are a gift, Mimi. I put it into the category the we don’t know how much we’ve grown up until we get a test. I let myself absorb the blow, hurt a little, then decided someone is really hurting to act this way. A few years ago, I would not have moved on, but yesterday I did. Then, like magic ( karma?) there was your post, like a special message, this morning.

        Keep up the magic.

      2. What a terrific way to process a painful test…and I’m sure you’re spot on – there are times when people lash out because of their own pain and issues, not having anything to do the person who was standing in front of him/her at the time. Good karma for you to choose to honor the hurt and then move on. You’re a remarkable woman. Perhaps the gift is you? 🙂

      1. Yup, he had no fever yesterday and is still doing well today. A bonus that no one else got sick. The packing started late yesterday as the reality struck me that we are leaving. I am still a bit shaken but can’t let the fear dictate, only common sense and some caution.

  3. I had a friend who used to say, “no one changes until it is more painful to stay the same than it is to change”. If I was the guy in the photo, the fire behind me would have to be pretty hot to get me to take that leap! Excellent challenge from an entry I missed earlier!o

    1. I think you’re selling yourself short …you do take risks, you have jumped – multiple times. I’d say you’re pretty open to life’s experience and change as the tides carry you..

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